365 Days of Thanksgiving

Feb 27, 2019

A primary tool in the 90-Day Power Plan (TM) is actively giving thanks where thanks are due.  It is a philosophy and tactic promoted by theologians, business moguls, and our very own parents.  While most of us agree it is polite to show appreciation for kind actions by extending a "thank you" it is another step entirely to wake up and live in a daily spirit of thankfulness.  However, the awesome power of cultivating a mind steeped in thankfulness for all the things that go right for us can truly change our lives.

In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill writes that, "Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake and while you are asleep." If this is true, which I have seen it demonstrated as such, then why not fill your mind with positive thoughts by focusing on the things you are thankful for having in your life.  When you do you may find more and more things being drawn into your life for which you can be thankful.

Not sure you can be thankful EVERYDAY?  Well, if it seems like a tall order then I suggest you read the Street Roots story about George Mays, a remarkable man who's working as a vendor for the local periodical, while living on and off the streets in Portland, OR.  In the June 19th editions Vendor's Profile George is quoted as saying, “Stay positive,” ...“Keep believing in what you do.” The writer notes that even during a night sleeping on the concrete George continued to remind himself to "stay positive".  After reading his story I challenge you to remember what you are thankful for today and everyday.
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